Kashi Tempo Transport

Kashi Tempo Transport have our own warehouse and it is equipped with adequate security equipments and 24Hrs security personal stay there to ensure all your goods are stored properly and that it is safe. Kashi Tempo Transport is glad to introduce all the valuable goods are labeled properly to ensure that it can be identified easily, this ensure at any point of time, we could locate the goods in minutes and also ensure that it is safe. Our warehousing services and process ensure that we locate and deliver goods effectively as we practice modern methods to store the goods of our customers. Our storage arrangement is flexible so you only pay for the square metres you use, saving you money. From a single item, such as a piano or pool table, through to your entire home contents we can safely store your goods until you need them.

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Network of Kashi Tempo Transport:

Kashi Tempo Transport

Mini Truck on hire with Kashi Tempo Transport: